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Republic of TX Motorcycle Rally 2021

In official association with Derwood & RTMR, OHC will host a ride from Austin to Devil’s Backbone & back.

Day One

Guests will check in at 8:30am, receive their VIP package items and be fully briefed on the run.  The group will depart Austin Speed Shop at 9:00am and ride to Rogue American for Invader Coffee and Dagger 8 Armory Defensive Pistol footwork drills, in preparation for the next day’s range training.  From Rogue American the group will make a pitstop in Woodcreek and then be guided on the Devil’s Backbone route:

·       From Woodcreek to Blanco on TX RM-2325

·       Back around from Blanco, through Fischer, to Devil’s Backbone Tavern & Dancehall on TX FM-32 

At Devil’s Backbone Tavern & Dancehall guests will be treated to lunch.  After lunch the group will ride back to Austin, via Driftwood, and conclude at the Travis County Expo Center for a hosted post-ride event.


Day Two

Lots of people ride armed but rarely, if ever, train to defend themselves from a riding platform.  On Day Two guests are invited to participate in a Defense Pistol training session at the Onion Creek Gun Club.  This will be a “live fire” training event centered around pistol employment as it relates to considerations for defending yourself from a motorcycle.  This training will focus on concealed carry positioning and protecting yourself when you are out riding.  This is a fun and unique experience with practical, real-world application. 

June 5

Buffalo Bill Gravel Grinder

July 9

Pawnee Run 'n Gun