Why the Wild Boar?
Sus Scrofa
Wild boar are some of the most intelligent, sensitive and powerful animals on the planet. Yet, they are also some of the worst-treated, disrespected and misunderstood of the lot.
The word “hog” or “pig” is used as a derogatory. However, these animals could teach us a thing or two about toughness and teamwork.
The wild boar has survived where many other animals have been driven [by humans] to extinction. Its adaptability is matched by its brute strength in providing the species with its success.
These incredible animals have thrived all over the world.
They are tough.
Boars are hardcore. Their inherent toughness sets them apart from humans and was a point of pride among medieval hunters, for whom the boar hunt was a highly dangerous event and one that garnered great respect as a result. Special weapons have been designed specifically for killing boars from horseback. Even with all this, people have still die hunting them.
They are highly intelligent.
They have an amazing ability to work together. These animals are very social and consequently packed with intelligence. Their intelligence helps them socialize and strategize. It also allows them to stay elusive where necessary, escape the confines of captivity and pick their battles wisely.
They will eat anything.
Generalists have the ability to survive on whatever’s around. Boars are the perfect example of this. While the majority of their diets come from roots and tubers, they’ll kill and eat anything they can get ahold of. They’ll eat fruit, seeds, carrion, live animals, eggs, bread, cardboard and so on. This is a primary key to their success as a species.
They are tenacious.
Boars aren’t just physically tough, but also mentally stubborn. The phrase “pig-headed” is a nod to this. Their stubborn nature is one of the reasons people don’t recognize their intelligence.
They have been immensely successful.
They’ve done very well throughout the world. Boars originally come from Europe and Asia but have exploded in the US, to the point where they are now invasive. They occupy snowy areas, savanna, dense vegetation and muddy woodlands equally well. While they have a preference for cover, they can thrive anywhere.
Wild Boar Symbolism
The symbolism of the wild boar changes depending on cultures and countries but many characteristics are common to them and unchanged in time. When hunted, the boar is an animal that fights till its last breath. Boars never give up, even if the enemy is clearly more powerful. Fearless and hard to kill, they challenge predators and humans who hunt them. Because of this characteristic, they represent bravery, command & control, a fighting spirit, stubbornness and power. As the meat of the boar is of very high quality, they also represent gatherings, generosity and abundance. It is interesting that the remains of boars have been found in tribal leaders’ burial places to symbolize heroes and warriors.
The wild boar symbolizes strength, courage and protection in various cultures around the world. They are often associated with warrior spirits and resilience due to their fearless nature and powerful tusks.
Spirit Animal
If the wild boar is your spirit animal, it signifies that you possess a strong will, determination and a fierce protector instinct. You are not afraid to stand up for yourself and others, and you have a strong sense of loyalty.
Totem Animal
Having the wild boar as your totem animal means that you are a symbol of leadership, power and assertiveness. You are grounded and practical, and you are not easily swayed by challenges. The wild boar encourages you to be courageous and face obstacles head-on.
Power Animal
When the wild boar appears as your power animal, it is a sign that you have the strength and endurance to overcome any obstacles in your path. You are being gifted with the power to protect yourself and those you care about. The wild boar empowers you to tap into your inner warrior spirit.
What does it mean if you see a wild boar?
If you see a wild boar in your dreams or in real life, it may be a message to embrace your inner strength and courage. The wild boar is a reminder that you have the power to face challenges with resilience and determination.
In a positive context, encountering a wild boar symbolizes protection, fearlessness and the ability to overcome obstacles. It may indicate that you have the strength and bravery to handle difficult situations and emerge victorious. In a negative light, the wild boar could represent aggression, stubbornness or recklessness. It may be a warning to temper your fierce nature and avoid becoming too confrontational or hot-headed. Take heed of any potential conflicts and approach them with wisdom and tact.