Intermittent Fasting

  • Ketosis

    Basically, Ketosis is the point where you have depleted the glucose in your bloodstream and your body begins burring fat for fuel.

    Once your body learns to burn fat for fuel, you become an energy making machine. There are also a number of hormonal and cellular benefits to Ketosis.

  • 4 : 2: 1 Method

    The 4 : 2 : 1 is a fasting method that involves Intermittent Fasting for four days, feasting for two days and completely fasting for one per week.

    As an example, this is the method used by Mark Wahlberg to maintain skeletal muscle while minimizing body fat accumulation at over 50 years old.

  • Meal Planning / Prepping

    Proper planning promotes optimal performance. Taking the time to plan and meal prep makes eating health simple.