These drills are to rehearse Immediate Actions upon encountering a Deadly Threat manifesting forward of the Principal’s movement.
The purpose of these Formations & Immediate Action on “CONTACT” SOP is to standardize immediate actions upon encountering a Deadly Threat while moving and working together, environments may vary.
Terminal Learning Objectives
Understand the responsibilities, standards, challenges and considerations for utilizing a firearm to suppress a Deadly Threat while operating as an OHC team member.
Enabling Learning Objectives
Utilizing firearms, have the ability to effectively engage, suppress and overwhelm threats to either move through the engagement zone or shield while moving to a more advantageous position or cover.
These are guidelines recommended as standardized operating procedures for operating as an ARMED protector for a movement or Direct Action.
By accepting these standards you become more than a CCW defensive pistol individual, you become a Guard…a purposeful protector of your OHC brothers and possibly others’ safety from dangerous or deadly attack. You are now a “Fire Team” operator (4 members) within a unit defined by standards, including this SOP. You must understand your responsibilities and requirements thereof, as well as those of each team operator.
These formations and drills can be used to provide an protective shield around a Principle or small group. These same tactics can be employed at the “Squad” level (13 member) for stronger or larger protection formation.
Fire Team Wedge
This formation is designed to put firepower forward. It creates a spear tip focused in the direction of travel. The Fire Team Wedge is good for moving directly through an area scattered with cover and obstacles. If engaged, members being offset:
Optimizes firepower in basically any direction.
Allows you to collapse down around a Principal.
Utilizing bounding and other techniques while maintaining firepower superiority.
Each find individual Cover or other micro-terrain, when applicable.
Easily change direction.
Evaluation Points:
Point searching front and beyond.
Flanks searching left/right flanks.
TL offset to the left or right flank, eyes up when possible.
Positioned to safely / effectively engage target(s).
Potential Fields of Fire
“CONTACT FRONT” to Modified Dimond
“CONTACT FRONT” to Guns Up 12 O’clock
Single Guard / Offset Rear
While walking toward a potential threat, the Guard will escort a Principal by walking to their offset front left or right.
Upon the announcement of “Threat”, the Guard will move off the X and forward and around the Principal. As the Guard reaches the Principal, the Guard will:
Engage the target(s) with (2) Rounds
Position themselves between the threat and the Principal, partially shielding the Principal
While maintaining a [modified] Isosceles stance, use their hips/buttocks to push/force the Principal back and out of the Engagement Zone
Search & Assess the area as they extract the Principal
Evaluation Points:
Was the Guard offset during Escort?
Was the Guard scanning the area for Threats?
Did the Guard move the Principal off the X, first?
Did the Guard safely and effectively engage the target(s)